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Emerald Harvest Grow

Emerald Harvest Grow


With Grow, Micro, Bloom, you enjoy maximum freedom tofi ne-tune your feeding program. Our 3-part base nutrients arepopular with growers who know their crops well and want totailor application rates from feeding to feeding. If you’re a pro,you know your crop’s nutritional needs change depending onthe specifi c strain, season and other growing conditions. Grow,Micro, Bloom helps you control crop nutrition


Tips & tricks:

•Add Micro first (after balancing the pH of the water).Follow it up with Grow and Bloom, in any order, and then mix in any or all of the supplements, one at a time.Stir thoroughly before feeding the nutrient solution toyour plants.

•Store away from direct sunlight and avoid temperaturesbelow 48°F (8.8°C) to prevent crystallization.

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