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Emerald Harvest Honey Chome

Emerald Harvest Honey Chome


Honey Chome is our gold-standard aroma and resin enricher. Itis designed to increase the market value of your crops by boost-ing terpene and fl avonoid production for better fragrance, flavor,potency and color—the qualities most desired by growers. Threesources of carbohydrates boost your yields by fueling growth andfl owering and by feeding the beneficial microbial life that buildup roots. With Honey Chome, you get vibrant crops with big rootsthat soak up nutes.


Tips & tricks:

•Do not use as a foliar spray; apply only at the roots. Application to leaves risks “suffocating” your plant.

•Apply to seedlings or cuttings at 1/2 the label rate to stimulate growth. Seedlings may exhibit heightened growth rates when fed simple sugars.



•You get stickier, more resinous harvests with better aromaand fl avor, more potency and richer color all of which add up to greater market value by weight. Honey Chomeis formulated to increase production of terpene-richessential oils and pigment-rich flavonoids

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