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Emerald Harvest Sturdy Stalk

Emerald Harvest Sturdy Stalk


Sturdy Stalk, Emerald Harvest’s premium potassium silicate supplement, is a valuable addition to your feeding program atcrucial stages in the crop life cycle when fruits and flowers areputting on girth and weight. The silica in the formulation helps increase the rigidity and thickness of plant cell walls, making your crops sturdier. Sturdy crops can better withstand environmental stressors and support heavy yields. Sturdy Stalk also helps increase the potency of harvests and gives an addedboost to blooms


Tips & tricks:

•Use as needed, rather than as part of a regular feeding schedule. For example:

     –It can bolster crops during stressful times in the crop lifecycle, such as transition or transplanting.

     –It can support bulking buds during mid or late flowering.

•Use on top of (not in place of) a quality bloom booster. Although Sturdy Stalk does increase flowering, it does not contain sufficient potassium to serve as a stand-alone bloom booster.

•Use alone on a watering day or mix it last after other nutrients and then feed the nutrient solution to your crops immediately. The potassium silicate in the formulation is highly reactive with other nutrient ingredients


Benefits:•You grow tough plants that can support heavier yields. Sturdy Stalk gives greater mechanical strength to plantcells—and, by extension, to the plant as a whole.Plants stand upright thanks to elements and compounds such as siliconand lignin, which serve as the “cement” or “glue” between thebrick-like components of plant cell walls. Silicon is rarely foundin its elemental form in nature; instead, it typically occurs assilica (SiO2). The silica you feed your crops adds more silicon,which in turn strengthens plant cells. Stronger cells make stronger plants. Stronger plants stand straighter and do not lodge(bend) as easily under the weight of heavy fruits and flowers


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